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Age 32, Male

some kid

encino, ca

Joined on 12/29/07

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LyricMaster's News

Posted by LyricMaster - July 27th, 2010


Posted by LyricMaster - July 27th, 2010


Posted by LyricMaster - July 27th, 2010


Posted by LyricMaster - May 3rd, 2010


Posted by LyricMaster - February 8th, 2008

Lyrics to: Ridin' The Hook
from the SpongeBob SquarePants Album, The Best Day Ever (2006)

This was a request.

SpongeBob: Ok drummer count us in!
Patrick: Yeah drummer, count us in.
SpongeBob: Patrick, you're the drummer.
Patrick: Oh, uh 10, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2. 1

Verse 1
Down here in the foamy brine
We get so bored sometimes.
We need a thrill to kill some time
So we go looking for a fishing line.
We give a little tug and hang on tight
Make the man upstairs think he's got a bite
But you gotta know when to stop
You gotta drop before you reach the top.

They reel you in so fast...
Let's see you, let's go last...
It's a blast!

Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.

Patrick, you're up again
Uh 7, J, I'm hungry.

Verse 2
You better have nerves of steel
If you wanna beat the ridin' reel.
Who'll back down, is it you or me?
We'll have to wait and see
I dig that charge, I need a buzz
Ask me why, it's just because..
Let's see what you're made of boy
What're you afraid of boy?

Nobody wants to be..
The Chicken of the Sea.
Not me!

Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.

Here Patrick lemme help you.
No,no, I got it!
10 ,9, uh 7, why does it have to be backwards?! Uh 5, 4, 3, 2,

Going up!
Going down!

Hey! Who you calling scared?
It's a double, triple dare.
Keep it square!

Final Refrain
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ridin' the hook now.
Ride, ride, ride, ridin' the hook now....

Posted by LyricMaster - January 20th, 2008

Lyrics to: the PICO DAY anthem

[Verse 1]
Well everyone knows that I'm the best!
I'm tougher and smarter than the rest
I got wicked 'do' and a hairy chest and I can really make a mess
So today is Pico day that's right
We'll party all day and party all night when tommorow comes we won't forget
Unless we drank too much
Join the party and meet some some friends
Dance with a turkey and a rooster and a hen
Be random all night long and send
Some midgets to Japan!
Coz the sun won't set it'll last forever
Let's all join and sing together
The part of the song that's coming up
It's the chorus, HERE IT IS!

This is Pico Day
Join with us as we celebrate
This is Pico Day
And it's all about me

[Verse 2]
The fun is growing more and more
People young and old galore!
We're lucky in the end Michael Jackson's not around
There's fun that's fit for every type
From trampolines to pillow fights
Karaoke and Random Brawls will keep us going on
There are special guest appearances
By Tom Fulp and Salad Fingers
Paladin, Xombie and Bitey too
And they've all come to meet you
Now the biggest part of all is here
All join and sing once more
The anthem for this day of mine
One, two, three, four

This is Pico Day
Join with us as we celebrate
This is Pico Day
And it's all about me

[Repeat chorus]

When all the fun comes to an end and all is done
Then we live knowing that this day will probably come again
But I'll always be there for you
To play my games and watch my movies
Just hold on until this day
Special Thanks: www.jazzastudios.com
My Review: A great Pico tibute. Well made song. Should be the official Pico anthem.
Next Lyric Post: idk...

Posted by LyricMaster - January 6th, 2008

Lyrics to: Luis Day Song


Some-Douchebag: Your moderator luis BANNED ME. You should DE-MOD him!
Tom: Luis isn't my moderator. He's my friend.

Verse 1
Luis is my friend.
He helps moderate the site.
He bought me drinks at Comic-Con.
And we had a good night.

Luis is my friend.
His cartoons are alright.
He made one for Halloween
And it gave me a big fright

Luis is my friend.
He's also really nice
He made a Newgrounds Scrapbook.
In fact, he's done it twice.

Luis is my friend.
He submits to Pico Day.
His cartoons are real awesome.
And never ever gay.

Luis is my friend.
He comes to the Mod Meet.
We drink lots of beer.
And that is pretty sweet.

Luis is my friend.
He invented the collab.
They all started in Time Trials.
But some of them were bad.

Luis is my friend.
That's all I have to say.
Let's all throw a party.
And call it "Luis Day"!

Happy Luis Day, Luis!
My Review: It made me lol. Luis made collabs? Informative and funny. Hilarious. 10/10
Next Lyric Post: Pico Day Anthem

Posted by LyricMaster - December 31st, 2007

Lyrics to: The Ultimate Showdown

Verse 1
Old Godzilla was hopping around Tokyo City like a big playground
When suddenly, Batman burst from the shade
And hit Godzilla with a Bat Grenade
Godzilla got pissed and began to attack
But didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq
Who proceeded to open a can of Shaq Fu
When Aaron Carter came out of the blue
And he started beating up Shaquille O'Neal
Then they both got flattened by the Batmobile
But before it could make it back to the Batcave
Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave and
Took an Ak-47 out from under his hat
And blew Batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat
But he ran out of bullets
And he ran away
Because Optimus Prime came to save the day.

This is the Ultimate Showdown
Of Ultimate Destiny
Good guys, bad guys, and explosions
As far the eye can see
And only one will survive
I wonder who it will be
This is the Ultimate Showdown
Of Ultimate Destiny.

Verse 2
Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime
Like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime
And then Shaq came back covered in a tire track
While Jackie Chan jumped out and landed on his back
And Batman was injured and trying to get steady
When Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete
But suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped
Indiana Jones took him out with his whip
Then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind
And he reached for his gun,
Which he just couldn't find
'cause Batman stole it
And he shot and he missed
And Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist
Then he jumped in the air and he did a somersault
While Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault
Onto Optimus Prime
But they collided in the air
Then they both got hit by a Care Bear Stare

This is the Ultimate Showdown
Of Ultimate Destiny
Good guys, bad guys, and explosions
As far the eye can see
And only one will survive
I wonder who it will be
This is the Ultimate Showdown...

Angels sung out in immaculate chorus
Down from the heavens, descended Chuck Norris
Who delivered a kick, which shatter bones
Into the crotch of Indiana Jones
Who fell over on the ground
Writhing in pain
As Batman turned back into Bruce Wayne
But Chuck saw through his clever disguise
And he crushed Batman's head in between his thighs

Verse 3
Then Gandalf the Grey,
And Gandalf the White,
And Monty Python's and the Holy Grail's Black Knight,
And Benito Mussolini,
And the Blue Meanie,
And Cowboy Curtis,
And Jambi the Genie,
Captain Kirk,
Darth Vader,
Lo Pan,
Every single Power Ranger,
Bill S. Preston and
Theodore Logan,
The Rock,
Doc Ock,
and Hulk Hogan,

All came out of nowhere
Lightning fast
And they kicked Chuck Norris
In his cowboy ass
It was the bloodiest battle
The world ever saw
With civilians looking on in total awe,

The raged on for a century
Many lives were claimed
But eventually,
The champion stood
The rest saw their better:
Mr. Rogers in a blood stained sweater!

This is the Ultimate Showdown
Of Ultimate Destiny
Good guys, bad guys, and explosions
As far as the eye can see
And only one will survive
I wonder who it will be
This is the Ultimate Showdown (This is the Ultimate Showdown)
This is the Ultimate Showdown (This is the Ultimate Showdown)
This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!
My Review: A definite classic. In synch and catchy. One of the best NG Music Videos ever! The best Lemon Demon song. A legend. 10/10
Next Lyric Post: Luis Day Song

Posted by LyricMaster - December 29th, 2007

Lyrics to: Mario RPG: Rawest Forest

Goomba: Hey, have you heard about that Mario guy?
Koopa: Him? You mean?
Goomba: Yea, the one with the mushrooms
Koopa: Yea!
Goomba: You know, the one jumping around in the forest
Koopa: Yea, yea, I know him, I know him
Goomba: Yes? Okay, hey check it out!

Super Mario RPG
It is the only one just for me
When I play the game, I get lost in a phase
Then I find out I'm stuck in Geno's Maze

Mario: Gimme Frog Coins!
Bowser: Gimme Mario!
Mario: Gimme Frog Coins!
Bowser: Gimme Mallow!
Mario: Gimme See Ya!
Bowser: Gimme Geno!
Mario: Gimme Cookies!

Magikoopa: Of course, we will get you that Mario

Bowser: We need to mute that stupid voice
Mario: I need to get those damn frog coins

There are many secrets in this game!
Many of which drive some peeps insane!
Why we try to cheat in a really good game?
Just sounds like crap and it makes you look lame!

Exiting the forest is super simple:
All you do is follow these path turns
For the rest of your gaming life

Speaker: Gimme Star Eye, gimme Cookies, gimme See Ya,
gimme Great Guy's Casino gimme everything i need

Mario: Wait, wait, wait, who are you?

Exor: Hahahahaha.

Exor's Verse:
My name is Exor, I'm the rappers angel
Travelling Blade with the Axem Rangers
Why should lamers like Mario with his Party of
A bunch of retarded Joes
Fix a Star Road, I don't think so
(Geno: Geno Whirl!) I don't blink slow (Geno: Let's do this!)
Cause every time I drive and rhyme a rhyme I damage my right eye more than nine times ninety nine

Mario's Verse:
Lately's been a boredom and lack of interest
Little cats call us fags and incestous
Italian guy, my master plan and blaster plants
rescue the castle princesses
Koopas and Gombas, them I just laugh at
I'ma hit "A" to raise the level of attacks
Don't fight the poverty, but hey! Kids that are lonely can
drop it and play my game to get their bodies to act glad

Dialogue 1:
Speaker: Gimme
Croco: My name is Croco
Speaker: Gimme, gimme
Croco: Wallet
Speaker: Gimme
Croco: Wallet
Speaker: Gimme, gimme
Croco: In the end of the game
Speaker: Gimme
Croco: Items
Speaker: Gimme, gimme
Croco: Something rare

Dialogue 2:
Great Guy: Oh, hello!
Mario: Oh, it's a little creepy up here
Great Guy: Yea, it is
Mario: I'm a little low on hit points
Great Guy: Okay?
Mario: You have any refreshments?
Great Guy: Yea, you can take this mushroom

Princess Toadstools Verse:
I am just a princess, please help me!
Booster is scary.
I've heard rumours he's taking me to Marrymore
but I don't wanna marry more I wanna marry Mario

Mario: Gimme Frog Coins!
Bowser: Gimme Mario!
Mario: Gimme Frog Coins!
Bowser: Gimme Mallow!
Mario: Gimme SeeYa!
Bowser: Gimme Geno!

Princess Toadstool: Gimme my frying pan and parasol

There are many secrets in this game!
Many of which drive some peeps insane!
Why we try to cheat in a really good game?
Just sounds like crap and it makes you look lame!

Exiting the forest is super simple:
All you do is follow these path turns
For the rest of your gaming life.
My Review: It was a very catchy tune. I haven't yet played the game yet, but it sounds good. The animation was in synch. I give it a 4/5 9/10
Next Lyric Post: The Ultimate Showdown